In April 2019 Breeze successfully attained her FS.S (Freestyle Starters) title in DWD. She is now semi-retired from competing in DWD. :)
Breeze has gained her Heelwork to Music Starters title with her previous handler. She has now also achieved her Freestyle Starters title with me, her training will progress to Novice and beyond in Heelwork and Freestyle to Music, however it is unlikely we will trial anymore and she is now semi-retired from the trialling ring.
What is DWD? Dancing with Dogs compromises of two different components - Heelwork to Music, and Canine Freestyle. Heelwork to music is performed with a choreographed routine set to music, in which the dog and handler have to demonstrate heelwork with the dog in different positions, such as left heel, right heel, heel across, heel behind, between legs, etc. Canine Freestyle is more flexible, where a choreographed routine is performed to music, with the handler and dog free to perform as they wish. Common moves include, spin, bow, circles, leg weaves, distance work, and often includes props.
Demo Performances We are members with the Melbourne Canine Freestyle demo group and perform at a variety of events including the Royal Melbourne Show, Dog Lovers Show, pet expos, pet fun days and more! Our performances include amazing tricks, races, and lots of fun audience interactions - fun for the whole family!